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19 Grote Markt
2000 Antwerpen

+32 3 288 53 88

Intensity Perfumes

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Fragrances l discover the Intensity collection


Intensity is a particular perfume label with a wide range of special perfumes

that little perfume store, as it was before…..

The label was created in the little Kingdom of Belgium and has a wide range of particular perfumes within its collection. Intensity will always surprise you by launching new and amazing creations, making as such of all these new perfumes, little miracles to discover.

Perfumes with style

If you want to “express yourself” (as Madonna would say) perfume is surely one of the most powerful ways to reveal your true identity. Perfume is more than just a fragrance, it is a memory, an emotion, an intense feeling, ánd it can make people fall in love. How magic! Intensity wishes you to shine with your perfume and invites you to discover the collection. 

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The Intensity concept?
Great Perfumes!
Ánd... having fun picking out your favourite(s)

Longing for new and avant-garde fragrances, stimulated our desire to launch Intensity and thus bring novelties to ‘la belle parfumerie’. Each one of the perfume formula is given our undivided attention and contains a wide-ranging dose of natural raw material complemented with the magic of molecular mystique, giving each formula an infinite glow.
A little touch of frivolous fantasy and friskiness generates a joyful and vivid flavour to the Intensity creations.

Being unconventional at times and enjoying his total surrender to his olfactive inspirations, the Intensity perfumer succeeds in composing the most outspoken perfumes...... in total liberty and free of any dictated directives.

It is with pleasure that we invite you to discover the perfumes in one of the Intensity stores.

Discover all different styles of perfumes and be intrigued by the lovely collection.


Green & Pepper

Sweet & Fruity

Fresh & Fizzy

Sensual & Seductive

Soft & Flowery

Wood & Power

100% Intensity