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19 Grote Markt
2000 Antwerpen

+32 3 288 53 88

Intensity Perfumes

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Our Story

The Intensity team

A perfume without a soul is like an empty box. That is why a true brand needs true people behind the scenes to fill it with a heart and soul.

Ivo Jacobs and Myriam Nussbaum both write the history and the futur of Intensity. They launched their first perfume store in Antwerp in 2005 and never stopped searching for innovating and particular perfumes.


Ivo Jacobs & Myriam Nussbaum

Ivo Jacobs & Myriam Nussbaum

During their more than 15 years of experience in the perfume business, Myriam Nussbaum and Ivo Jacobs felt the lack of fine and pure perfumes in the industry. This feeling was the trigger to go for better and greater than all these commercial mass products, an intense and profound desire to surpass the existing situation. That is how Intensity was born.

Actually, Intensity finds its origins in Ghent, with the encounter of the elderly perfumer Mister Hugo Collumbien ( 92 years old when they met), who sold them his little perfume production house. Before that Ivo and Myriam had always compliantly bought their perfumes in France for their boutique. Though, with the transmission of Mr. Collumbiens know-how and practice, they both discovered quite some mysteries and inside information about perfume production. This enabled them to negotiate with the most outstanding perfume laboratories and require special demands in order to launch the most exquisite perfumes. Still, granting the perfumers all liberty to conceptualize with a free mind the most gorgeous and rare pearls.

As time passed, even the most notorious laboratories created some absolute master pieces for Intensity.

Intensity is without a doubt a veritable treasure and great project in which Ivo and Myriam committed themselves for more than 15 years with all their love, knowledge and dedication.

The Intensity Laboratory

The Intensity perfumes are produced by perfume laboratories in South of France, Grasse to be precise, which is the heart of the perfume industry. Exclusively the highest standard production houses with explicit knowledge in fine perfumery are qualified to create our perfumes. They meticulously respect in their working houses the perfumer’s formula. This working method and the fact they carefully keep the secrets of the most famous perfumes, has granted them the reputation of “The templars of the perfume universe”.

One of these laboratories plays a significant role and belongs to the largest companies which distils flowers in Grasse.

This production house is a notorious wholesaler and is specialised in cultivating néroli and petit-grain, both essences which are mainly distilled out of orange blossoms. This laboratory produces as well essences from jasmin, roses, lavender and orange blossoms. Besides, néroli is a particular product with extremely high value and which is solely provided to a few enterprises in France.

Perfume is identity in a capsule, and it takes more than a good nose to convey the essence of that uniqueness. Familiarising with all the different traits of rose, jasmin, mimosa and other flowers that grow wild in the fields of Grasse, takes time. Creating fragrance is an act of passion derived from knowledge and precision.

The work of a perfumer consists in understanding resources, fusing them and then harmonising their different layers to create a new reality, one that blends in perfectly with the nature of its bearer. It takes generations to fine-tune this aptitude, as well as an open-mindedness towards its good-natured wealth. It’s the ultimate form of luxury.
